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Healthcare Failure Modes and Effects Analysis Course

Sale price$250.00

Healthcare Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (HFMEA) is a systematic method for identifying and addressing potential problems in a healthcare process before they occur. HFMEA is a proactive tool that can be used to evaluate new and existing processes and systems. Over the years the ECRI and Institute for Safe Medication Practices Patient Safety Organization (ECRI and ISMP PSO) have received FMEAs as patient safety work product from its members.

HFMEA is considered a core tool in a comprehensive causal analysis program and is considered an acceptable form of proactive risk assessment that is required by The Joint Commission and DNV (Det Norske Veritas) and some State Departments of Health.

Adapted from resources from the Veterans Health Administration Center for Patient Safety, the American Society for Health Care Risk Management, and the American Society for Quality, ECRI and ISMP PSO has created an online, interactive, self-directed course tailored to meet the needs of healthcare professionals to learn how to perform a HFMEA.

It is anticipated that the course can be completed within two to three hours. It is designed to be self-paced, and learners can save their work and come back and finish later. A certificate of completion will be issued.