Report An Error
Share your stories and help prevent errors and patient harm.
Healthcare practitioners and consumers report medication and vaccine errors to ECRI and ISMP with the hope that future errors and patient harm will be prevented. We rely on the details you provide in your reports to identify the causes and contributing factors of the event. It is only with detailed information that we can tell a powerful story that can spark change and improvement.
I am reporting as a
Healthcare Practitioner Error Reporting

Medication Error Reporting
The ISMP National Medication Errors Reporting Program (ISMP MERP) is an internationally recognized program for healthcare professionals to share potential or actual medication errors that occurred at their workplace. Reporting an error or hazardous condition is simple and confidential.
Please provide as much detail, including causes and contributing factors, in your report as possible. After you submit your confidential report, ISMP staff will follow up with you to ask additional questions to clarify what went wrong and to identify the causes and factors that contributed to the reported event.
Report A Medication Error
Vaccine Error Reporting
The ISMP National Vaccine Errors Reporting Program (ISMP VERP) is an internationally recognized program for healthcare professionals to share potential or actual errors that can occur with vaccines. Reporting an error or hazardous condition is simple and confidential.
Please provide as much detail, including causes and contributing factors, in your report as possible. After you submit your confidential report, ISMP staff may follow up with you to ask additional questions to clarify what went wrong and to identify the causes and factors that contributed to the reported event.
Report A Vaccine ErrorReport to the ECRI and the ISMP Patient Safety Organization (PSO)
You may prefer to report an adverse medication or vaccine event to the ECRI and the ISMP PSO. As a PSO, federal legal protection can be provided for certain patient safety information prepared within your patient safety evaluation system and submitted to ECRI and the ISMP PSO. The protected information, called patient safety work product, includes information you provide about why the error happened or why the hazard exists, along with any further analysis of the event provided back to you. The basic facts, whether written or observed, regarding what happened along with the patient’s medical/health records, are NOT considered patient safety work product and cannot be provided with federal protection in the event of a lawsuit. However, contextually identifiable information will NOT be disclosed unless we are legally compelled to do so.
What We Do With Your Reports
Who We Work With
We collaborate on a continuing basis with a wide variety of partners to improve medication safety based on your reports. Partners include healthcare practitioners and institutions, healthcare professional organizations, patient safety organizations, regulatory and accrediting agencies, employer and insurer groups, and the pharmaceutical industry.