Newsletter Solutions
The leading source of medication error information and guidance
The ISMP Medication Safety Alert! newsletters are intended for all healthcare practitioners in all types of settings. Read by millions of healthcare professionals, newsletters are fueled by the thousands of error reports which are received through the National Medication Errors Reporting Program (MERP) and National Vaccine Errors Reporting Program (VERP). Leveraging these internationally-recognized error reporting programs, ISMP is uniquely able to rapidly publish strategies for decreasing medication error risk.

Acute Care
A subscription-based, digital newsletter, published every two weeks for hospital healthcare professionals.
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Community/ Ambulatory Care
A subscription-based, digital newsletter, published monthly for healthcare practitioners in ambulatory settings.
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Nurse AdviseERR
A subscription-based digital newsletter, published monthly that is designed to meet the needs of nurses.
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For health systems, organizations with multiple locations, pharmaceutical and academic-based institutions, contact us for discounted pricing.