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Learning Collaborative

Activating Patients as Partners in Safety

Join Experts from our Patient Safety Organization for a Five-Month-Long Collaborative

Patients, families, and caregivers play a critical role in improving healthcare safety. Effectively communicating to patients and families following an unanticipated outcome can lead to a significant reduction in serious safety events. In one study, such communication led to a 42% decrease in claims and a 47% decrease in lawsuits. Implementing a process to collect and review patient-reported safety concerns can help safety teams identify risks and contributing factors that can lead to patient harm. According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), activating and engaging patients and families in solution-making can improve safety and quality.

Emphasis on Collaboration to Eradicate Preventable Harm

With the adoption of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' (CMS) Patient Safety Structural Measure, recommendations from the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, and momentum created by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement's National Action Plan to Advance Patient Safety, there is now a heightened emphasis on collaborating with patients, families, and caregivers to eradicate preventable harm.

What can health systems, hospitals, and senior and ambulatory care leaders do to create patient, family, and caregiver activation and engagement in patient safety efforts and drive toward the goal of zero preventable harm?

Total Systems Approach to Safety

Healthcare providers will have the opportunity to work with leading subject matter experts and other healthcare organizations to identify and implement strategies that help enhance engagement. Using a Total Systems Approach to Safety, teams will learn about patient-reported outcomes, grievance severity scoring, communication and resolution or CANDOR programs, and different approaches to patient and family involvement in quality improvement and solution-making.

Learning in a Protected Environment

The Collaborative will be supported by the confidentiality protections under the federal Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act of 2005. As a federally listed PSO under AHRQ, ECRI and the ISMP PSO will implement a learning systems approach to disseminate patient safety best practices across the healthcare community. Through a framework of evidence-based education webinars and virtual safe table discussions, participants will be engaged in learning and sharing about key patient and family engagement and activation strategies. Teams will use performance improvement tools to create their performance improvement plan and share those plans with the collaborative teams in an all teach, all learn environment.

What Participants Will Receive

  • The Total Systems Safety Organizational Self-Assessment and results report
  • Education about how to implement recommendations from leading experts
  • Peer-to-peer learnings and sharing via safe table discussions
  • Support from ECRI's experts in safety, risk, and quality
  • Toolkit of ECRI evidence-based resources to support implementation of patient and family engagement and activation practices


  • $3,000 USD per organization for up to 5-person team
  • $6,000 USD per organization for up to 10-person team
  • $15,000 USD per organization for up to 30-person team

Discounts available for existing ECRI and the ISMP PSO members

Participation Time Frame

  • March 2025 through July 2025

Learn More

Contact us to find out about how to join our Activating Patients as Partners in Safety Learning Collaborative.

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