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Insights & News in Healthcare Safety

3 Tips to Help Prepare Your Healthcare Facility for the Tridemic—RSV, Flu, and COVID
Patient Safety

3 Tips to Help Prepare Your Healthcare Facility for the Tridemic—RSV, Flu, and COVID

The tridemic is here—are you ready? By taking steps to understand the tridemic, and the effects it’s having on healthcare, your organization can better prepare for and manage the likely increase in...

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How Predictive Replacement Planning Can Help Healthcare Facilities
Supply Chain

How Predictive Replacement Planning Can Help Healthcare Facilities

To make more effective and efficient decisions regarding budgeting and managing medical equipment, it’s essential that healthcare organizations focus on capital budgeting, medical equipment selecti...

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Improving Physician Engagement During the New Product Selection Process
Supply Chain

Improving Physician Engagement During the New Product Selection Process

You’ve heard and followed the familiar adage, “consider the source.” And for good reason, since the adage reminds one to verify the trustworthiness of a source before heeding its content. Perhaps n...

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5 Things Clinicians Should Know About the Complex World of Genetic Testing
Patient Safety

5 Things Clinicians Should Know About the Complex World of Genetic Testing

Selecting the appropriate genetic test can be daunting, and busy clinicians can be hard pressed to stay up to date regarding the rapidly-evolving landscape of genomic medicine. They need to know wh...

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4 Ways to Manage the Tracheostomy Tube Shortage
Supply Chain

4 Ways to Manage the Tracheostomy Tube Shortage

In one of the latest challenges for the embattled healthcare supply chain, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) reported that there is now a shortage of tracheostomy tubes, especially pedi...

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How to Prepare for and Manage Supply Chain Disruptions in Healthcare
Supply Chain

How to Prepare for and Manage Supply Chain Disruptions in Healthcare

Healthcare organizations are some of the most complex and critical in the world. Supply chain disruptions in healthcare can have a ripple effect on patients, staff, and the community at large. So, ...

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8 Steps to Address Racial Bias in Healthcare
Patient Safety

8 Steps to Address Racial Bias in Healthcare

ECRI this year named Bias and Racism in Addressing Patient Safety as number three on its annual list of Top 10 Patient Safety Concerns. Racial and ethnic disparities have been well documented, and ...

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The Most Common Hospital Accidents and How To Avoid Them
Patient Safety

The Most Common Hospital Accidents and How To Avoid Them

When working in healthcare, it is important to understand what types of accidents might your patients encounter. How can you work to dramatically reduce accidents and foster a greater culture of sa...

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Four Ways to Prevent and Control Hospital-Acquired Infections
Patient Safety

Four Ways to Prevent and Control Hospital-Acquired Infections

When a patient comes to your facilities for healthcare, they expect that you can effectively address the issue quickly and with ease and expertise. Now, imagine that this same individual ends up re...

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