Safe Management of Patients with an External Subcutaneous Insulin Pump During Hospitalization
These recommendations were compiled and vetted by ISMP after reviewing current policies and procedures that have been honed through experience in several large and small US hospitals, a review of the professional literature,1-17 the results of the 2015 ISMP survey on this topic,2 and analysis of reports of errors related to insulin pumps submitted to ISMP or published in the literature. Examples of some of the recommended documents mentioned in the recommendations (e.g., patient consent/agreement, insulin pump order set, patient bedside worksheet/log) are provided in several of the references6,11,12,14-17 listed at the end of the recommendations.
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How to cite: Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP). Recommendations for the Safe Management of Patients with an External Subcutaneous Insulin Pump During Hospitalization. ISMP Medication Safety Alert! Acute Care. 2016:21(21);1-5.