Taking Medication Error Reduction Strategies in the Hospital to the Next Level: The Case for Implementation Science
Implementation science aims to discover and apply strategies that accelerate successful integration of interventions into routine practice. This initiative will provide background information on the importance of standardization in medication error reduction efforts and suggest strategies to incorporate principles of implementation science to improve uptake of standardized guidelines in clinical practice.
This course consists of six activities and provides up to 3 hours of continuing pharmacy education credit. The review course includes instructional home-study modules with exam-style practice questions.
Begin Activity
Learning Objectives
The Pharmacy Team and Patient Safety Go Hand-in-Hand
ACPE Number: 0204-0000-23-428-H05-P/T
- Explain the Standardize 4 Safety Initiative, including barriers to its implementation.
- Summarize the newly released ISMP Guidelines for Safe Medication Use in Perioperative and Procedural Settings.
- Identify collaborative strategies for engaging the interprofessional team to reduce medication errors.
Fundamentals of Implementation Science
ACPE Number: 0204-0000-23-429-H05-P/T
- Identify the goals of implementation science for accelerating translation of clinical innovation and practice guidelines that enhance safety.
- Analyze the fundamental elements of implementation science.
- Develop a strategic roadmap that supports the implementation science process.
Accelerating the Uptake of Safety Initiatives and Guidelines: Role of Implementation Science
ACPE Number: 0204-0000-23-430-H05-P/T
- Recommend implementation science techniques that could support the implementation of Standardize 4 Safety.
- Select implementation science techniques that could enhance use of the ISMP Guidelines for Safe Medication Use in Perioperative and Procedural Settings.
- Explain the Standardize 4 Safety Initiative, including barriers to its implementation.
Summarize the newly released ISMP Guidelines for Safe Medication Use in Perioperative and Procedural Settings.
Identify collaborative strategies for engaging the interprofessional team to reduce medication errors.
MaryAnn Kliethermes, BSPharm, PharmD, FAPhA, FCIOM, Director of Medication Safety and Quality, ASHP
Matthew Grissinger, RPh, FISMP, FASCP, Director of Education, ISMP
Kaitlyn Watson, BPharm(Hons), PhD, GradCertAppPharmPrac, FHEA, Health-System Impact Fellow, University of Alberta & Hypertension, Founder & CEO, Disaster Pharmacy Solutions
This activity is provided by ASHP and supported by an educational grant from Pfizer Inc.
CE Accreditation
Released: April 21, 2023
Expiration: June 30, 2024
Activity Type: Application-based
CE Credits: up to 3 contact hours (0.30 CEUs)
Activity Fee: Free