Building Patient Safety Skills: Common Pitfalls When Conducting a Root Cause Analysis
Most hospitals are acquainted with the root cause analysis (RCA) process and have conducted numerous RCAs in the past 15 years since The Joint Commission first required its use to investigate senti...
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Some Red Rules Shouldn’t Rule in Hospitals
As healthcare strives to create a culture of safety, many organizations are successfully incorporating safety practices utilized in highly reliable industries, including failure mode and effects an...
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High-Reliability Organizations (HROs): What They Know That We Don’t (Part II)
Healthcare is a complex, error-prone industry. However, other complex, error-prone industries, such as aviation and nuclear arms handling, have much better safety records than healthcare. The funda...
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High-Reliability Organizations (HROs): What They Know That We Don’t (Part I)
Healthcare is a highly complex, error-prone industry. From treating patients in a hectic emergency department to the daily pressures of dispensing thousands of medications, the delivery of healthca...
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